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Amp up recruiting with live video

If you're a professional recruiter, you're no stranger to the hiring challenges in a tight job market. Cutting through the digital noise to attract the right talent can seem impossible – which is why you want to consider adding live video to the mix. 

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Millennials make up 35% of the US workforce, But there is a new generation on the rise. Generation Z, born from 1997 to 2012, is the newest generation being introduced to the workforce and if you want to attract the attention of those future leaders you need to meet them where they hang out. Social media. 

A live video with a friendly face welcoming them to your company makes a big impression. You quickly convey authenticity and an engaging company culture. Here are a few ways you can incorporate it into your social recruiting mix. 

Host a virtual job fair  

Try using live video to promote a job fair. Or better yet, host a virtual one! The first step is to determine an agenda for the day and include special segments. You might kick off the event with a pre-recorded company overview video followed by a live Q&A session with the CEO. Another segment might focus on the working environment, unique perks and a tour of the office. Provide viewers the opportunity to submit questions, and be sure to answer them live during the program. By including a mix of pre-recorded and live videos, you'll keep candidates engaged, while inspiring them to submit a job application.  

The best thing about videos is that you can view them anywhere! Generation Z, young and eager people who are in school or just about to graduate, would appreciate seeing their favorite companies at their college job fairs. Taking the extra step to reach out to colleges will also ensure a strong flow of potential candidates for your company.   

Meet the team 

Need more ideas? Take a tip directly from the Facebook recruiting team. They hosted a 60-minute chat with recruiters and encouraged fellow HR professionals to learn more about job opportunities at the company. Bronwyn White, international director of recruiting, did an excellent job kicking off the conversation via chat comments submitted by viewers. The panel candidly discussed HR challenges, opportunities and what made recruiting at Facebook such a great experience. Speaking of great experience, this professionally-produced livestream did an awesome job switching between multiple camera angles and incorporating on-screen graphics – no  phone video here!  

Schedule regular announcements 

One easy way to go live is to host a regularly-scheduled announcement covering new and existing positions. This 15-minute broadcast could start with a quick overview of job openings, followed by a Q&A session with a hiring manager to highlight those high-priority roles. If the event is a regularly-scheduled feature on Facebook or YouTube, job seekers are more likely to follow your page or subscribe to the channel.

Highlight your company culture 

Generation Z, similar to Millennials, values a good company culture. According to a 2021 survey conducted by IMB, only 29% of Gen-Z indicated competitive salary and benefits were key to their engagement, compared to nearly half (49%) of those over 55. One way to highlight this is by showcasing your corporate social responsibility efforts.

Generation X isn’t so hidden in the work place. You are the ones that need to set the right tone for how the company is run. Gen-Z has the highest value in a quality work environment. So much that they would give up a higher paying job for it. Compared to older generations, Gen-Zers have no issue with quitting their jobs in search of better work. If you have a company-wide volunteer day, consider doing a livestream and encourage family, friends and local communities to participate. Cross promotes the event on your career channels, and considers it a win-win for public relations and HR! 

While the accessibility of live streaming is only a phone-tap away, keep in mind that the quality of your production is a reflection of your company. If you're intentional about conveying your company's message with professionalism, you'll rise above the digital noise in social feeds around the world. 4420-19 Live Streaming Advantages v3_8MB-1-thumb-1