President of Plum Media, Rich Schmig, led the ceremonial groundbreaking of Plum's new production facility on March 3 in the Menomonee Valley.
"It's a sunny day and I think it speaks well of the future for Plum and our new building here. We're starting on a bright sunny day and it's only going to get better from here," Schmig said.The Plum staff was also joined by Dave Misky, assistant executive director of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee.
"On behalf of Mayor Barrett, I am very pleased to congratulate Rich and Plum on a very exciting day," Misky said.
New Growth in the Menomonee Valley
In the last year there have been four complete property renovations on St. Paul Avenue according to Michelle Kramer, director of marketing and business development of Menomonee Valley Partners. Plum's renovation is one of two major projects occurring within two blocks of each other.
Plum Media could not be more excited to grow, prosper and excel alongside its new Menomonee Valley neighbors.
Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube for weekly updates on the renovation and relocation of Plum Media. Missed an update? Check out the playlist below to catch up on the progress!
- YOUTUBE PLAYLIST: We're Moving! - Building Updates 1418 St. Paul
- VIDEO: Why Plum? (1:11)